Jam menunjukkan pukul 7 pm.Aku dan Yuli segera naik mobil dan ke rumah Hanza untuk menjemputnya.Kemudian kami telah sampai di rumah Skandar.
"Oala kalian.Silakan masuk.Yang lain sudah menunggu di halaman belakang dan sedang mempersiapkan api unggun-nya,"sambut Pak Randal.
"Terima kasih,Om,"balasku tersenyum.
Aku,Yuli,Hanza segera ke halaman belakang.Tampak Billy,Randy,Tom,Skandar,dan Kak Soumaya.Wow,Kak Soumaya bergabung.
"Halo Kak Soumaya,senang bertemu denganmu,"sapaku sambil duduk di sebelahnya.
"Hai,Rani.Skandar cerita melulu loohh,tentang kamu,"balas Kak Soumaya.
"Ehm,Kakak!"ucap Skandar memperingati Kak Soumaya.
Skandar terlihat senang dengan keakrabanku dan Kak Soumaya.
"Ayo dong.Kita nyanyi yuk,"ucap Tom yang memegang gitar.
"Aku mau kita semua nyanyi This Is Our Song by Camp Rock 2,"ucapku tiba-tiba.
"Oke,Ayo !"ucap Skandar lalu duduk di sebelahku.
Deg !Oh my god.Skandar,kamu manis sekali ><
So let's sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
Come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
This is our song
That's all that matters
'Cause we all belong right here together
There's nothing better than singing along
This is our summer
This is our song
And grab your guitar
Sit by the fire
'Cause we all need a song
When tired
We'll sit here together
And sing it outloud
This is our song
That's all that matters
'Cause we all belong right here together
There's nothing better than singing along
This is our summer
And this is our song
This is our song
This is our song
This is our song
Come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
Come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
And come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
Come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
This is our song
That's all that matters
'Cause we all belong right here together
There's nothing better than singing along
This is our summer
(Our summer)
This is our song
That's all that matters
'Cause we all belong right here together
There's nothing better than singing along
This is our summer
This is our song
(This is our song)
This is our song
(This is our song)
This is our song
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
Come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
This is our song
That's all that matters
'Cause we all belong right here together
There's nothing better than singing along
This is our summer
This is our song
And grab your guitar
Sit by the fire
'Cause we all need a song
When tired
We'll sit here together
And sing it outloud
This is our song
That's all that matters
'Cause we all belong right here together
There's nothing better than singing along
This is our summer
And this is our song
This is our song
This is our song
This is our song
Come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
Come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
And come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
Come on and sing
Na, na na na na, hey, ya
This is our song
That's all that matters
'Cause we all belong right here together
There's nothing better than singing along
This is our summer
(Our summer)
This is our song
That's all that matters
'Cause we all belong right here together
There's nothing better than singing along
This is our summer
This is our song
(This is our song)
This is our song
(This is our song)
This is our song
"Yeah,"sorak semua ketika lagu selesai.
"Ayo,kita makan !"serbu Billy.
Sedangkan semua mengambil makanan,hanya Aku dan Skandar masih duduk berdua.
"Skand,aku mau bilang sesuatu nih,"ucapku.
"Oke.Everything ;)"balas Skandar mengedipkan matanya.
"Kamu mau gak,jadi sahabatku?"tanyaku sambil tersenyum.
"Oke deeh.Anytime,"balas Skandar sambil merangkulku.
"Cie,berdua terus,"celutuk Randy.
"Apaan sih Raann??"balas Skandar.Lalu mereka kejar-kejaran.Hahaha.
Oke,selesai makan,kami kembali ke api unggun.
"Foto bareng yuk.Wheheh..Bawa kamera nih,"ajak Billy semangat.
"Mau bikin foto KTP1 ya :p,"cibirku.
"Hah?Sekalian aja foto model gitu?"balas Billy.
Semuapun tertawa.Well,kita pun foto-foto bareng.Skandar mengisyaratkan agar foto-foto kita tidak dimasukkan ke dunia maya2.okee...
Kita foto-foto bareng dekat api unggun.Ada gaya yang seru,kocak,happy,dan juga family.Hahaha....Tapi,setelah bareng,kita lalu berfoto sendiri atau berdua.
Aku berfoto dengan Hanza,Yuli,dan Kak Soumaya.Pokoknya secara bergantian dan bersama.
"Hei,Billy.Foto aku dan Rani dong,"celutuk Skandar tiba-tiba.
"Siip (Y)"balas Billy.
Aku foto berdua dengan Skandar.WAAAA >< ...senangnya.Sesudah memfoto aku berdua dengan Skandar (pose-nya sebanyak 5 kali loooh),Randy meminta Billy untuk memfotonya dengan Yuli.Cielah :D
Lalu Hanza dengan Tom.Kemudian Skandar dengan Kak Soumaya.Dan,kami berfoto-foto sampai jam 11 PM.Wow..Lalu,setelah berfoto,kita bercerita tentang joke,pengalaman,dan curhat.Hahaha...
Momen itu gak akan pernah kulupakan ><
Keterangan :
1 = Kartu Tanda Penduduk
2 = seperti facebook,twitter,google,dan lain-lain yang berhubungan dengan internet.
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